Let’s begin…

Allow me to introduce myself…

«The purpose of education should not be to fill you with knowledge, but education should make you hungry for knowledge.»

— Debasish Mridha.

Hello there!

My name is Mariana, nice to meet you. I am a 21-year-old student whose plan is to become a teacher. What do I want to teach, you ask? Well, to be honest with you, I have always loved English. Ever since I was a little girl, I would ask my mom to play the movies in their original version and I would also ask my aunt (whose a native speaker) to speak to me in English. Therefore, when the moment came for me to chose a career path, I figured that I wanted to make others fall in love with this language as much as I felt in love with it too.

I am on my fourth and last year of university and I am about start my practicum, which is as exciting as it is nerve wracking, to be honest. I always get nervous when it comes to meeting a new class and a new teacher during my practicum. Mostly, because I feel like being a teacher is one of the most difficult jobs out there and it scares me not being able to reach the expectations. Nevertheless, I know that by working hard and learning as much as I can from those around me I will complete this practicum a lot more prepared and excited about what is about to come after graduation.

So, join me and I hope that by reading my experience you will be able to somehow live it with me, too. Talk to you soon.



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