New beginnings

What a first week…

I had not imagined that I would enjoy this first week in the school as much as I did. Not because I do not enjoy the practicum, or because I was not sure about the school that I have chosen; but because I thought that the nerves and anxiety would overshadow how truly fun and exciting is to get to meet a new class and a new teacher staff.

On Monday, the head teacher showed us around, read us the rules and informed us that each of us had already being assigned a class, so we could not chose the grade. At first, I was a little bit sad; mainly, because I was hoping I could be with first or second grade since I have never been with the smaller children. Nevertheless, I was not disappointed with their decision.

The group that I have been assigned to is sixth grade. Usually, people prefer to be with the younger children due to the fact that fifth and sixth grade are considered to be pre-teens, as well as a bit more «forward». Nonetheless, I have never thought that it was harder with older kids and was really excited to get to know them. As it is right now though, I am full-time in the English lessons with all the grades, which I love even more.

The English lessons in this particular school are given by two different teachers, one of whom is taking some time off work at the moment. Therefore, throughout the week I got to meet the substitute teacher, who will be teaching English to the younger grades, as well as the school’s principal, who happens to teach this subject to the older grades.

This week it was an observation week, which means that I mainly took notes and viewed how the classes are taught in order to learn the dynamics of each class, the way the lessons are programmed, and the language level of the students. I am truly happy with the way both teachers work and with the way they both received me in their classroom; I am really looking forward to getting to learn more from them.

I was also very pleased and surprised with the student’s English level and with their performance in the class. They generally participate and tend to show interest in the learning of the language, which is not always as common as it should be. They are all round good and respectful students.

I could not be happier with the choice I made when I decided to complete my practicum in this particular school and I am so excited for the next few months that are coming my way.

I will keep you updated…


5 comentarios sobre “New beginnings

  1. Hello Mariana!

    After reading your post, I feel very happy about the fact that you like your school. This is a very important point because you have to be there until May; so, it’s better if you are comfortable and happy. Moreover, this positive attitude will encourage you to do your work with more enthusiasm.
    As well as you, I’m also impressed with the English level that my students have. This situation exists mainly due to an effective teaching. Therefore, I’m sure you will learn a lot from your teachers and from your experiences and reflections.
    I can’t wait to read more things about your experience!


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    1. Hello Mar,

      Thank you so much for leaving a comment in my blog and for taking the time to read it.
      I agree with you in the fact that it is necessary to like and have a positive attitude towards the school and classrooms that we chose and were assigned to, considering that we are going to spend a lot of time in there with the children and teachers. Therefore, I am excited and happy about my choice and would not change it for anything, even if I could. I am truly excited for what is about to come.

      I am pleased to read that the students in your school have a great English level as well. This says a lot about the teacher and the motivation to learn that the students have, two highly important factors in effective teaching, just like you mentioned.

      I am looking forward to receiving more comments and feedback from you. Feel free to be completely honest or to ask anything that you might want to know.

      Best regards,

      Mariana Soto Torres

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  2. Hi Mariana!

    First of all, I have to tell you that I will be one of your followers during this practicum period and I am sure that we will both learn a lot.

    In addition, I am very pleased that we can share the same school in the practicum, because by this way we can compare our views about the different primary classes we are in, teachers and students, and thus enrich our learning in the school even more.

    I think that you are very lucky to be able to see how classes work in their different levels, from first of primary to sixth. Because then you can see how English is taught at different levels of primary school and how children develop. Also, it is very important to take the first week of the internship like you, because in this way, you can observe different teachers’ methodologies and different levels of English in the same class. Moreover, do not forget that you get to know students of almost the whole school because as you go from class to class, at first, it could be a mess and a little bit difficult to do an activity. But this is only the beginning of the adventure; there is still a long way!

    On the other hand, it is always good to hear that students you have met show interest and participate actively in English classes.

    I am looking forward to hearing for more about them and that you tell me more about it next days.

    Best regards.


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    1. Hello Maria,

      Thank you so much for leaving a comment and for taking the time to read my new entry. It means a lot.

      I, too, am very excited about us being in the same school and being able to compare thoughts and ideas throughout these following months. I believe that having you in the same school is making me enjoy this Practicum period that much more, since I consider you to be an amazing learner and friend.

      As you said, I am very excited and feel grateful for being able to see how the English classes are taught in all the different grades. This week has taught me so much about the students understanding of the English language and their motivation towards the subject.

      Once again, thank you for your feedback and, please, feel free to be completely honest or to ask anything that you might want to know.

      Best regards,

      Marian Soto Torres

      Le gusta a 1 persona

  3. It is great to hear that you like the school and you feel happy about working with the 6th year group. Keep up observing and learning! At some point, you will have the opportunity to put your ideas into action!

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