Looking back and reflecting

Hello everybody and welcome back to a new entry, As you all know, this has been an unusual year to say the least. Many unexpected thi ngs have happened that are out of our control and all we can do is wait, stay home, and do out part. Unexpectedly, and sadly, our Practicum period wasSigue leyendo «Looking back and reflecting»

Multimodal Lesson Put Into Practice

Hello everyone and welcome back! In case you are currently reading this entry, but have not read the last one in which I explained my original lesson plan following the Multimodal approach, I advise you to go back and read the entry Designing and Planning a Multimodal Lesson before you continue reading this one. On thatSigue leyendo «Multimodal Lesson Put Into Practice»

Designing and Planning a Multimodal Lesson

Welcome back to a new entry! I hope you are all staying safe at home during these circumstances that we are currently living. For this entry I will be sharing with you the original Multimodal lesson that I had planned for the students to complete in the classroom; even though that, for obvious circumstances, ISigue leyendo «Designing and Planning a Multimodal Lesson»

Feeling like a teacher for a day

Hello again, everyone! I am happy to be writing this entry today. I have been truly enjoying this practicum period and I am very excited to be able to share my experiences with all of you; as well as reading your own experiences and thoughts through your blog entries. I know that we are allSigue leyendo «Feeling like a teacher for a day»

Analyzing the student’s work

«Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential.» – John Maxwell Hello again everyone! Welcome back to my blog and this week’s entry. Hope you all had an amazing week. Today, in order to continue with my child study project I will be focusingSigue leyendo «Analyzing the student’s work»

Get to know the students a bit

Hello everybody, First of all, welcome back! Thank you for once again taking the time to read my blog. In this entry I will be starting a child study, which starts with selecting two students to work with and describing some important aspects about them. Keep in mind that the students real identities need toSigue leyendo «Get to know the students a bit»

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